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Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Established on August 1st 1916, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is one of the crown jewels of Hawaii - the home of Kilauea Volcano and the Hawaiian goddess of fire, Pele.

This unique National Park features volcanic landscapes, rainforests,  deserts and cultural sites. In September 2018, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park officially reopened its gates to the public!

During your visit please respect the cultural values that have enhanced our island home while you experience hikes and scenic views. Please ask our park rangers any questions that you might have. The volunteers, rangers, and guides can lend further knowledge to make your experience in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park a truly once in a lifetime experience!

Halema'uma'u Crater

Halema'uma'u Crater is located within the summit caldera of Kilauea Volcano. From 2008 to 2018, Halema'uma'u was home to an active lava lake and plume emitting a volcanic glow.

In the latest phase of the volcanic eruption that took place from May through July 2018, the lava lake drained, the cliffs of the crater collapsed, and the crater expanded significantly. During this process the volcanic glow from Halema'uma'u's lava lake has vanished. Today you can experience Halema'uma'u Crater

with its immense and reshaped scenic vista.

The best vantage points to view the summit caldera are Steaming Bluffs (Steam Vents) and Keanakako'i Crater.

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Cultural Significance

From the snowy summit of Mauna Loa to the cliffs of the volcanic coastline at the Pacific Ocean, the history and mythology of the Hawaiian culture can be found everywhere. Those who choose to live and work in the shadow of Kilauea and Mauna Loa were and are continually being shaped by the power of Pele, the fire goddess, who has made her home in the crater of Kilauea.

The winds, rain, plants and trees of the forest, everything between the land and the sky, all contribute to the cultural significance of this “wahi pana,” this special place.

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Park Safety

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has always placed safety as a top priority.

Please read and follow all posted signs and barricades. Also make sure to pick up a new map on your way into the park; this will show which trails and roads will be open. Please keep in mind that when unauthorized persons enter closed areas, they are not only endangering themselves, but also the NPS rangers who may have to rescue them.

Volcanic vog is a periodic presence in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and the areas of Volcano and Kau. USGS and the National Park monitor air standards continually. Keep an eye out for posted signs along the Highway 11 and roads within the National Park informing you of volcanic activity and air quality.

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